Nycka, if someone isn't ashamed of being who they are, why should they hire you as a stylist?
Hi, I'm Nycka, and I've been working in the fashion industry since 1981. I'm a stylist and in recent years I've also dedicated myself to the visual arts.
People sometimes confuse not being ashamed of being who they are with being comfortable with being who they are. They are different things and the behaviours of both profiles are different. The root of each of the two profiles is very different.
My work as a stylist aims to develop, over time, a personal style that is aligned with each client's personality and their personal and professional development. What I do is transform my clients' appearance into a powerful non-verbal communication tool, so that people look at my clients and clearly identify some characteristics of their personality before my client opens their mouth to say something. An example of my own experience that I have already shared on my social networks is that, just by managing my way of dressing, several times people in Curitiba, a city famous for the reserved behaviour of its citizens, came to talk to me in shopping malls, supermarkets and other public spaces.
In recent years I have experienced a very deep process of self-knowledge, and before that I already knew that the standard that other stylists and personal stylists follow to work did not suit me, was not aligned with my values. And because I know my value as a human being and as a professional, I make a point of working with things that I believe in. And I don't see the value in making my clients fit into labels if I reject them myself. I can do it, but I don't like it and I don't see the value in it. I prefer to serve people who see themselves as worthy of the best, who seek an original and unique style, who know that they are wonderful people, like me, and with my professional guidance they can have an appearance that shows this. Authenticity is attractive, and it attracts genuine connections.
Accommodating being who you are is denying the importance of professional guidance for topics that the person does not master. A person who is not ashamed of being who they are knows their own value and the value of having qualified professional guidance. I know that I know a lot of things, and those that I know with a decent level of professionalism I consider as work, and there are many others that I don't know or know how to do without quality and I prefer a professional to take care of them. In the case of my work as a stylist, certainly no one in the world knows how to do it with the same level of quality as me. Nobody has my repertoire and my experience in the area.
To clarify any doubts about my work, you can request an online meeting by following the instructions on the services page. All my services are personalised. I don't follow a pattern. Each client is like a new work of art and my planning is done respecting each one's needs and, whenever possible, their expectations.
Nycka Nunes
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