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🇬🇧 What is 360º branding and why your company should invest in it

What is 360º branding and why should your company invest in it?

I am Nycka Nunes, a global pioneer in 360º branding and 360º personal branding consulting (when I started, I used my first name, Vanessa, and my paternal grandmother's last name, Versiani). To learn more about my professional career, read my LinkedIn profile after you finish reading this text.

I only work with B2C brands (brands whose products or services are aimed at people and not companies).

360º branding is the development of strategies so that your company/brand reduces noise in communication with the end customer to almost zero. It does not only concern communication through advertising, social networks, etc. It encompasses all the ways in which the consumer forms an opinion about the brand through their experience with it. Some examples of how the consumer can have a more positive or negative opinion about your brand, in addition to advertising, are: customer service; store layout and decoration; window displays; in-store service; packaging; logo; company name; products (design, quality, variety, etc.); prices; location; dress code and behavior of people with whom the consumer has contact; distribution; warranty and product exchange policy; among others.

My emphasis is to help companies offer high added value products. The current economy benefits two “opposite” business models in all sectors: those that offer very poor products and those that offer excellent products. The space for success in the middle ground, with intermediate products, is getting smaller and smaller, and those that succeed are brands that have very original ideas or perceive unmet needs in certain niches, which are not passing fads. I work with both luxury brands and those that prefer to serve the intermediate market with original brands or that meet needs that have not yet been met. I do not work with brands aimed at low-income audiences or that want to have low prices as one of their main characteristics.

I believe that it is natural for many human beings (not all) to seek improvement, to seek better experiences, to expand their repertoire, and I like to work with those who have a similar vision and aim to serve customers who seek products and services of good or excellent quality. My personal and professional experiences have led me to be one of these people and to observe the aspects that can be improved in companies of all sizes. The variety of my qualifications and professional experiences also allows me to work effectively by observing different aspects of brands, helping them to compete in the global market by offering high added value products and services and having a brand coherence that is close to perfection.

Nowadays, the internet means that any profile on social networks or any blog, website or e-commerce can be found by people all over the world. With this in mind, my services also aim to analyze the company's virtual presence with a view to coherence with the brand identity and, when necessary, prepare the brand to serve the global market. Having an online presence without an interest in serving customers from all over the world is a sign of a lack of market vision.

A company that stands still and does not evolve, when the market is constantly evolving, is a company that falls behind, like those grandparents who, not adapting to the new times, insist on judging their grandchildren based on what was done when they - the grandparents - were young. Furthermore, investing in offering high added value products means having more comfortable profit margins and, consequently, more capital to reinvest in the constant improvement of the company and its products.

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Nycka Nunes

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