
🇬🇧 How to contribute to the realization of artistic projects

How can you contribute to the viability of my artistic projects? I am Nycka Nunes, a visual artist and photographer. Photographic equipment...

Showing posts with label Global entrepreneurship. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Global entrepreneurship. Show all posts

🇬🇧 8 Marketing functions

Marketing is not just about communication and advertising. Marketing is one of the most important areas of a company. You could say it is the brain of a successful company.

I am Nycka Nunes, a world pioneer in 360º branding consultancy. Generally, our knowledge about areas that are not our area of ​​expertise is limited. So, in this text, I will mention eight points that are part of marketing strategies, which are included in my 360º branding consultancy and in the consultancy service for developing a marketing plan, and that many people do not know are marketing functions.

Some people have a negative view of marketing, believing that its role is to make a brand appear to be something it is not. This is a mistaken view. The real role of marketing is to make a brand BE distinctive and authentic, but only distinctive and authentic professionals are capable of creating and managing brands like this. Technical knowledge is not enough. The work of each professional reflects, among other things, their level of self-knowledge.

  1. Location: This is a useful point in defining new points of sale for existing businesses. It is also important for new businesses, aiming to optimize selection and increase sales by choosing locations that are more aligned with the brand profile. For digital businesses, this includes defining a domain name, among other strategic choices.
  2. Name: Choosing a name is also a marketing function. It is generally used in the initial planning of the business and also for the launch of new brands and product lines. Yes, the name and the domain are usually related, but not necessarily. And, as you can see, it is not possible to isolate one element of marketing without considering others.
  3. Logo and slogan: If you thought that it was just a matter of hiring a designer to create a logo, you were wrong. In order to do a consistent job, a designer must submit to marketing and follow marketing guidelines when creating logos. The slogan is linked to the brand's positioning and how it wants to be remembered by its consumers. A designer without adequate training cannot submit to marketing because he or she is not trained for it. 
  4. Positioning: A relevant brand does not sit on the fence. It defines how it wants to be seen by consumers and how to seek coherence in everything to achieve this objective. Strategic marketing thinking is essential to plan positioning.
  5. Products and/or services: Marketing influences several issues related to the products and services offered by a brand. Having differentiated products and/or services is important to stand out in the market.
  6. Target audience: Having clarity about who your target audience is is essential for a brand. Marketing generally defines this, as it is one of the foundations for all marketing work and all areas of the company.
  7. Advertising and communication: This is what many people think marketing is, and it is only a small part of it. Communication and marketing actions are the most recognized facet of marketing, and even they are not fully known by many people. Point of sale layout, for example, is part of the company's nonverbal communication.
  8. Prices: It is not enough to know how much it cost to produce your product. Strategic pricing is smarter and generally more complete than the pricing method adopted by entrepreneurs without any training in business administration or marketing and without guidance from qualified professionals. Unprepared entrepreneurs without professional support fail to even identify all the real costs that their companies have.

To have an authentic brand, hire my services by following the instructions on the services page of this blog.

Respect copyright. Reproduction of this text in whole or in part without written authorization from the author is prohibited.

Nycka Nunes

🇬🇧 What is 360º branding and why your company should invest in it

What is 360º branding and why should your company invest in it?

I am Nycka Nunes, a global pioneer in 360º branding and 360º personal branding consulting (when I started, I used my first name, Vanessa, and my paternal grandmother's last name, Versiani). To learn more about my professional career, read my LinkedIn profile after you finish reading this text.

I only work with B2C brands (brands whose products or services are aimed at people and not companies).

360º branding is the development of strategies so that your company/brand reduces noise in communication with the end customer to almost zero. It does not only concern communication through advertising, social networks, etc. It encompasses all the ways in which the consumer forms an opinion about the brand through their experience with it. Some examples of how the consumer can have a more positive or negative opinion about your brand, in addition to advertising, are: customer service; store layout and decoration; window displays; in-store service; packaging; logo; company name; products (design, quality, variety, etc.); prices; location; dress code and behavior of people with whom the consumer has contact; distribution; warranty and product exchange policy; among others.

My emphasis is to help companies offer high added value products. The current economy benefits two “opposite” business models in all sectors: those that offer very poor products and those that offer excellent products. The space for success in the middle ground, with intermediate products, is getting smaller and smaller, and those that succeed are brands that have very original ideas or perceive unmet needs in certain niches, which are not passing fads. I work with both luxury brands and those that prefer to serve the intermediate market with original brands or that meet needs that have not yet been met. I do not work with brands aimed at low-income audiences or that want to have low prices as one of their main characteristics.

I believe that it is natural for many human beings (not all) to seek improvement, to seek better experiences, to expand their repertoire, and I like to work with those who have a similar vision and aim to serve customers who seek products and services of good or excellent quality. My personal and professional experiences have led me to be one of these people and to observe the aspects that can be improved in companies of all sizes. The variety of my qualifications and professional experiences also allows me to work effectively by observing different aspects of brands, helping them to compete in the global market by offering high added value products and services and having a brand coherence that is close to perfection.

Nowadays, the internet means that any profile on social networks or any blog, website or e-commerce can be found by people all over the world. With this in mind, my services also aim to analyze the company's virtual presence with a view to coherence with the brand identity and, when necessary, prepare the brand to serve the global market. Having an online presence without an interest in serving customers from all over the world is a sign of a lack of market vision.

A company that stands still and does not evolve, when the market is constantly evolving, is a company that falls behind, like those grandparents who, not adapting to the new times, insist on judging their grandchildren based on what was done when they - the grandparents - were young. Furthermore, investing in offering high added value products means having more comfortable profit margins and, consequently, more capital to reinvest in the constant improvement of the company and its products.

Hire the service by following the instructions on the services page of this blog.

Please respect copyright. Total or partial reproduction of this content without written permission from the author is prohibited, as is its translation into any language.

Nycka Nunes

🇬🇧 Step by step guide to opening your company

What is the step-by-step process when you want to open your own business? What should you do, from the idea to the launch of the company?

I am Nycka Nunes, I have a degree in advertising and marketing, and I am a global pioneer in 360º branding consultancy. To learn more about my education and professional experience, read my LinkedIn profile after you finish reading this text.

Most people's business ideas tend to be a repetition of what already exists. Your chances of success, therefore, are reduced. Not that you should reinvent the wheel, but it is interesting to explore possibilities of doing something different within an area in which you want to work. This is something I can help my clients do. The client comes with a raw idea, and we think of ways that this idea could have the potential to become a globally successful business. Because if it is just another restaurant, another clothing brand, or another business in any sector, it will not be a great success even in the local market. Thinking big helps you have better ideas.

During the process of refining the idea, we prepare the business plan, the marketing plan and the branding plan, with issues related to the brand identity, which are fundamental for a company that wants to be relevant. These steps are crucial for other issues related to the brand identity, such as creating a logo, creating a website, store layout, packaging layout, and much more. Unprepared and greedy entrepreneurs create irrelevant businesses mainly because they don't even know what these plans are.

As an advertising professional, I have the knowledge to create all of this, but, for reasons of time optimization, I usually prefer to pass a sketch or an idea to other qualified professionals and supervise the creation and production process. However, it is never too much to emphasize the importance of planning the business and having strategies and differentials BEFORE hiring someone to design your logo or do the packaging layout and any other services. And even before choosing the location and name of your company. These are issues that people who have never studied business administration (a course that I also studied) ignore, and they make a huge difference to the company's success.

Planning is also important for the entrepreneur to have a better view of the market, seeking information to understand how he can do something more relevant to the market than the companies already operating. I guide my clients in the search for information. Henry Ford used to say that if they did a survey, at the time, about what means of transportation people would like most, they would say they wanted faster horses. The path is different. Your client never knows they want something different until you offer something different AND relevant. And you have to have a nose for innovation to achieve this. Rest assured that with my consultancy, it is possible.

After everything is planned, it is time for execution. This is when the entrepreneur will find the location for his company, look for suppliers to obtain everything he needs to make the company a reality. Taking a restaurant as an example, this is when the entrepreneur will close a contract with the location, look for suppliers for decoration, design, human resources consultancy, suppliers of food and beverage products, suppliers of uniforms, an accounting office and lawyers to take care of the legal procedures to open the company, among others.

After the launch, it is important to keep an eye on the planning and carry out periodic checks, in addition to being in contact with me to redirect if, in practice, you, as a business owner, noticed that some things that were beautiful in theory were not very well received.

Starting a business this way has higher costs than simply starting it, without consulting, obviously, but your chances of success are much higher and it is worth dedicating yourself to investing in consulting to have a relevant business, with the potential for global success.

Follow the instructions on the services page of this blog to hire my consulting for companies. And remember to visit my LinkedIn profile to learn about my professional trajectory. When hiring services, it is very important to observe the professional's experience. If you have any questions that are not related to consulting services, feel free to send me an email or message through social media.

Nycka Nunes

🇬🇧 20 Business Owner Mistakes You Should Avoid

Starting a business without a strategy developed specifically for it is like wanting to win a marathon and deciding the day before that you are going to participate, and having never practiced any sport before the competition. It is something that people who do not want to win do. It is a loser's attitude. And people who have never practiced team sports or studied musical instruments, because both activities, in addition to group work in all subjects at school and college, teach about the importance of seeking complementary talents and being prepared to succeed. And, okay, there are people for whom “the important thing is to compete”, but what is the purpose of competing if it is not aimed at winning?

In this text I will talk about 20 mistakes that many business owners make that make their businesses irrelevant; mediocre; often poorly managed; and commonly lead companies to bankruptcy. Small details that can make the difference between you having a business that is just surviving or a business with the potential for global growth.

I am Nycka Nunes, a global pioneer in 360º branding consultancy. Learn more about my education and experience by reading my LinkedIn profile after you finish this text.

  1. Wanting to open a company on a budget without having a college degree in business administration, marketing or related areas that give you a broad view of the business (a digital marketing course or any short and/or specialized course doesn't count!). I think that by the introduction to this text you've already realized how stupid this choice is.
  2. Ignoring the importance of a business plan. This is an important step in the process of preparing any idea to become a successful company.
  3. Ignoring the importance of a marketing and branding plan. Another important step in the process of transforming an idea into a successful company. A company without this is just a company, not a brand.
  4. Looking for a designer to create the brand's logo without the plans mentioned in the two previous topics. Or not even hiring a designer.
  5. Choosing a location before making a marketing plan (marketing is not just advertising and social media).
  6. Setting prices by comparing them to competitors (because you ignored the importance of a marketing and brand plan).
  7. Having a “promotion strategy” that involves imitating what your competitors are doing, current trends or cheap options, such as influencers, ads on Google and social networks, and repetitive content “strategies”, done without strategy, paying only the executors. Marketing is the brain of the company.
  8. Ignoring the importance of differentiation, of having a business idea that is original and relevant.
  9. Ignoring the importance of hiring professionals (consultants and employees) who are experts in areas that the entrepreneur does not master and surrounding yourself with qualified people. Those who are afraid of qualified people are incompetent people. If you are reading this text, I imagine that you want to avoid being an incompetent business owner, and you are in the right place if your intention is to hire my services.
  10. Thinking that marketing is synonymous with advertising. Marketing is the brain of a company and encompasses all relevant aspects of a brand.
  11. Underestimating the power of an above-average product.
  12. Not knowing how to identify all of your company’s costs.
  13. Ignoring the competition from companies in other cities and other countries. We live in a time where practically anyone can buy products from anywhere in the world. If your product is the best in town, but your potential customer can buy something better from another city or country, they will buy from a competitor in another city or country.
  14. Deciding that the company will have an online presence (through a website and/or blog, social media profiles, online store, etc.) without defining a global strategy, thinking only of the local market.
  15. Listening to irrelevant people when thinking about strategies. Henry Ford already knew this before he invented the automobile.
  16. Underestimating the power of a good name, which is part of the marketing strategy. Searching for names on social media and through the opinions of amateurs is shameful.
  17. Emotional immaturity. Emotionally immature people do not want to evolve, learn from their own mistakes and the mistakes of others. They are an example of how not to be and how not to manage.
  18. Having a business only for the money.
  19. Underestimating the importance of a strong brand in attracting and retaining talent.
  20. Having a mentality that does not contribute to building a stimulating professional environment.

Visit the services page to hire my consulting services for companies and build a company with a relevant brand and potential for global success.

Respect copyright. Total or partial reproduction of this content is prohibited.

Nycka Nunes

🇬🇧 11 reasons to hire my consultancy services for companies

In this text, I will tell you 11 reasons to hire my consulting services for companies if you have a company or are thinking about starting your own business, especially if, like the vast majority of people, the idea of ​​having your brand on the internet in some way (social media profiles, e-commerce, website, blog, etc.) is perceived as a necessity by you. You only need one reason to go to the services page to hire the consultancy.

I am Nycka Nunes, a visual artist, graduated in advertising and marketing, and I offer consulting services to companies and individuals all over the world. Learn about all my services on the services page of this blog. I have over forty years of professional experience, most of it in the fashion industry, which is very relevant for any other B2C business, because the logic of fashion affects all B2C businesses. Lately, the logic of fashion has also affected several B2B businesses.

  1. My resume. There is no other professional anywhere on the planet with the combination of experiences, talents and skills that I have and with the same ability to generate creative and/or innovative ideas. If you don't know me yet, visit my LinkedIn profile.
  2. You want to develop a unique business, but you don't know exactly how, and you are looking for professional guidance to polish your ideas or transform your skills and experiences into a relevant and profitable business.
  3. You are humble enough to know that you are not an expert in everything and that you need to pay qualified professionals with skills different from yours to achieve your goals if one of your goals is to have a successful and relevant company in the market.
  4. You value your work and/or want people to value what your company offers.
  5. You know that searching for “strategies” on the internet is stupid. No military leader would ask the internet for strategies to defeat his enemy, and, in the same way, no minimally intelligent entrepreneur looks for strategies for his business to succeed in free tips on the internet. Qualified consultancy is the only viable way to make a business different and successful.
  6. You understand that if a business is on the internet, it is visible to people all over the world, and, consequently, if you do not have a global strategy, you are missing out on opportunities. And only a consultant with experience in the global market, like me, can help you find your space and increase your chances of growth in the virtual universe. If you can have a company with a global culture with the same effort as having a company with a local culture and mentality, there is no advantage in limiting yourself to the local market.
  7. You want your company to be recognized for selling something of value, something different from what your competitors offer. Being just another one doing what everyone else does is the fastest way to failure.
  8. If you are thinking about getting an entrepreneur visa in a foreign country, this service can also help you a lot in developing a unique business that is attractive anywhere in the world.
  9. You know that if you want a two-story house, construction should start with the foundation, not the second floor. Likewise, to have a successful business, building that business starts with planning with qualified professional support in areas that you do not master.
  10. You understand that marketing, which is much broader than communication and advertising, is the brain of a company, where the entire strategy for all areas of the company begins, from choosing the name and location of the company to issues related to what to sell, prices, how to advertise, what profile of employees to hire, etc. Everything that affects the brand's image goes through marketing. A company without a marketing strategy developed especially for it is doomed to mediocrity, and mediocrity is synonymous with failure.
  11. Your business is not doing as well as you would like, and marketing consulting assesses the mistakes made by the company and advises on the changes needed to achieve its goals.

In just a few clicks, you can become my client if you wish. Follow the instructions on the services page.

My main work is art. I never lose sight of that. But I am privileged to have many skills and relevant experience that I can use to contribute to the development of other people and companies, and whenever I have the time, this knowledge can be shared for a fair payment.

Nycka Nunes

🇬🇧 Self-acceptance and labels

Today I want to talk about self-acceptance and labels. I'm working on a piece of art that "talks" about this, and I felt like writing about self-acceptance and this process of recognizing myself, realizing things I want to improve, and taking action on them. It's good to celebrate my progress in this regard.

I'm Nycka Nunes, a professional with multiple talents (learn about the services I offer on the services page), and in this blog I talk about everything I want, because I see it as a channel of communication with people who admire my work and want to get to know the human being behind it. In addition to being a visual artist, I'm privileged to have several other skills that I also use to help people and companies, for a fee (and I have more experience in these other activities than as a visual artist). To learn more about them, read my LinkedIn profile.

The privilege of having multiple skills came at the cost of a lot of study and a focus on constant improvement. The ability to self-evaluate and curiosity about multiple topics are part of who I am.

Since the beginning of 2024, I have been gradually changing the way I deal with content creation and the organization of my work. The first step towards this change was to create a detailed plan for my artistic projects. The next step was to plan in advance the paid content on the blog and social media and create a plan of topics to be covered. I am working on changing the profile of the content without sponsorships. The change will scare some, but it is necessary.

I decided to write this text because I have worked in marketing for years, but I have always been very intuitive when managing my personal brand. I thought this was important to let innovation flow. Now I see that a dose of organization and direction are important, keeping space for new ideas, new opportunities. I decided to use my knowledge in my own work. And the strategic part is easy. What gave me the most work was visualizing ways to reconcile objectives and reality, seeing feasibility in what I had in mind. A constant challenge in the minds of innovative people. And now I can see this clearly.

At some points during this professional reorganization, I hesitated between making all my services available or just some. I decided to make them all available because I like to share knowledge with those who pay for it and I like to contribute to the success of those who contribute to my success.

I have read a lot about giftedness and this has helped me deal with these doubts regarding whether or not to make all my professional skills available as services. I do not seek a diagnosis of giftedness because, in my opinion, having a name to be the way I am would only be a way of justifying myself to the world. I do not need that. I am the way I am and naming it makes no difference in my life. They say that gifted people are born that way. I have enjoyed reading since I could read. But being the oldest daughter and having grown up in an environment where most of the time I had no emotional support, maybe I am like this because it was more interesting to seek support in books than in the people around me. Having Dona Benta by Monteiro Lobato as support could be better than having an adult from my real world. Paying a psychologist for myself without the adults doing therapy is nothing like emotional support. And if your opinion on this is different from mine, it is not of interest to me. What I needed from the adults around me, I didn't get most of the time, and that's a fact.

The artwork I'm working on right now speaks to this issue of how some people attach themselves to labels, as if we were products on a supermarket shelf. I generally don't mind others calling me this or that. I don't feel like labels describe me, because they're too reductionist. I'm a human being, not a jar of jam. We can only get to know human beings by talking to them, not by judging them based on our beliefs about the names we use to describe them. It's a shame that so many adults still don't understand this and don't even invest in self-knowledge, they just blindly repeat the "truths" that were passed down to them by their parents as if they were absolute truths, as if life were a multiple-choice test where there is only one right answer for each question. People like that are boring! I want more of the brilliance of people who seek to discover who they really are and to be sculptors of their own personality, like I do.

Nycka Nunes

🇬🇧 Internet and global entrepreneurship

The internet has been a tool used by a large number of people for over twenty years. And after more than two decades, there are still people who create companies targeting only the local market.

I am Nycka Nunes, a visual artist with a focus on photography, a degree in advertising and marketing, and on this blog I create lifestyle content for global entrepreneurs.

What prevents an entrepreneur from having a global business at a time when we have the internet to communicate with people from all over the world? What prevents an entrepreneur from having a global business at a time when there are banks where we can easily receive payments in different currencies? What prevents entrepreneurs from having global businesses at a time when it is possible to study and practice languages ​​through their computers? I don't know and it is not up to me to understand the mindset of those who live this way.

The internet is a tool that offers us an infinite number of possibilities, among them, reaching a much wider audience than our neighborhood, the city where we live.

In 2007, I moved to Curitiba, in the south of Brazil, and started writing a blog about fashion and style, sharing information gained from decades of experience in the fashion industry. Within a few months, I had clients from all over Brazil. Not from all over the world, yet, because I only wrote in Portuguese, but at the time, if I had depended solely on clients from Curitiba, I would have had a very limited professional activity as a stylist.

Before that, in 1999, when I started using the internet, while still in the computer labs at the university where I studied, I was already communicating with people from all over the world through different tools available online at the time. This was because I already had some knowledge of English. I was far from feeling fluent, but I could even communicate by phone with some foreign contacts who occasionally called me.

I would love to meet, through this blog, my Patreon profile and my social networks, other people and companies who, like me, believe that being on the internet is an opportunity to sell their products and services to the whole world, regardless of the size of their company. Starting next week, Patreon will feature exclusive content for entrepreneurs and leaders who do not limit their companies' operations geographically. And for those who have never thought about it, but stumbled upon this text and are now curious about it, I invite you to follow my profiles on social media and, if you wish, contact me for marketing and branding consultancy to make this change from a local market to a global market. This invitation also includes companies that already have content in a second language, but do not have marketing strategies aimed at different markets. Selling to people of the same nationality as your company who live in other countries is far from being considered a global company.

Learn about the opportunities for promoting global companies through my channels on the “Maecenasship” page.

Nycka Nunes